Vanessa Palacios
Academic background
- Graduate in Teaching in the field of Primary Education. University of Alicante - Faculty of Education (2012).
- Degree in Fine Arts. Faculty of Fine Arts San Carlos, Valencia. (2004)
Professional experience
- Teacher of Compulsory Secondary Education. Salesian School "Nuestra Señora de los Desamparados". Ibi. (2006 to present)
- Jury in the X Painting Contest "Vila de Sax". (2009)-Teacher of Compulsory Secondary Education. Salesian School "Juan XXIII". Alcoi. (2007-2009)
- Jury in the Award for the Poster Announcing the CXXIII - CXXIV Cavalcade of the Three Wise Men of Alcoy. (Years 2007 and 2008)
- Professor of Fine Arts at the "Escuela Municipal de Bellas Artes de Alcoy". (2006-2009)
- Teacher of Compulsory Secondary Education. School "Sagrada Familia". Alcoy. (Course 2005-2006)
- Teacher of Fine Arts in the "Escuela Municipal de Bellas Artes de Alcoy" and in the "Aulas de la Tercera Edad de Alcoy" (Substitution of a sick leave of 278 hours. Course 2005-2006).
- Assembly in the Town Hall of Alcoy of the Belem of the students of the "Escuela Municipal de Bellas Artes" of Alcoy (plastic expression) (2005).
Awards and mentions
- First Prize for Painting in the IX Certamen "Vila de Sax". Alicante. (2007)
- First Prize for Painting "Ciutat d'Alcoi". Alcoy. Alcoy. Alicante. (2004)
- Painting Prize "Font d'Art de la III Mostra d'Art Jove. Onteniente. Valencia. (2003)
- Painting Prize in the XIII Contest "Pastor Calpena". Aspe. Alicante. (2006)
- Second Honourable Mention in the IV Mostra d'Art Jove "Font d'Art". Onteniente. Valencia. (2004)
Selected works
Selected in more than twenty Painting Competitions in Alicante, Valencia, Murcia, etc. (2003 - 2012)
Solo Exhibitions.
A total of ten Solo Painting Exhibitions in different Art Galleries in Alcoi, Aspe, Cocentaina, Teulada, Benidorm, etc. (2005 - 2009)
Group Exhibitions
More than thirty Group Painting Exhibitions in different Art Galleries. (2000 - 2009)
Adrián Miró. The brush and the pen. Comments and reviews about art and artists from Alcoi.
Alcoi: Comercial Gráfica. (2008)
Cover of the magazine "Art en València" published by the Asociación Difusora de las Artes. (2007)
Art en València" magazine published by the Asociación Difusora de las Artes. (2007)
History of Alcoi. 750 Aniversari. Editorial Marfil. (2007)
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