Modesto Satorre Palomera

Modesto Satorre Palomera

Modesto Satorre Palomera, Alcoy.


Linked to the arts from an early age, Satorre has a degree in draughtsmanship and is a professional musician.

He is the author of two Pasdobles Dianeros: Serrella and Barbarescos, and a Marxa Cristiana "Desideratum". He has composed the music for short films, Mama muleta and Al Tiempo que Renueva and for the theatre play premiered by La Cassola, Llums de Bohèmia. 

He has also won several awards for participating in Christmas Carol Contests at l'Orxa and Cançó Vocacionals in Moncada. 

Tlfn. 646 83 92 23


Series Modesto Satorre Palomera