Vincent C.V.D. Spek, Amsterdam (1980)
Graduated in Fine Arts from the Faculty of Fine Arts of Sant Carles, and illustrator from the Escola d'Art i Superior de Disseny D'Alcoi
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- Awards and Mentions:
2003: 1st Prize in the "I Graffiti Contest" (City Council of Yecla - Murcia).
2004: 1st Prize in "Concurso de Carteles de Ferias y Fiestas de Urda" (Urda - Toledo).
2005: 1st Prize in "I Graffiti Contest" (City Council of Benidorm - Alicante).
2006: 1st Prize in "II Contest New School d'Art Urbano" (City Council of Villena - Alicante).
2nd Prize in the "II Graffiti Contest" (City Council of Benidorm - Alicante).
2007: - Awarded in "Premis Bancaja Proyecte final de carrera".
2nd Prize in the urban art competition "Graff Obsession07" (City Council of San Javier - Murcia).
1st Prize in "III Concurs de Graffiti" (City Council of Benidorm - Alicante).
3rd Prize in "Street Colors Urban Art Contest" (City Council of Badalona - Barcelona). (Catalogue)
2009: 1st Prize in "Concus Graff Obsession 09" (San Javier City Council - Murcia).
Accésit in "festival d' art urbà Creacciona" (Ayto. de Jaén).
2012: 3rd Prize in "Concurs d' art urbà Hip Hop Street" (City council of Vícar - Almería).
2014: Finalist in "IX Certamen internacional de minicuadros Muz Martinez" (San Vicent del Raspeig - Alicante).
2015: 3rd Prize in "I Certamen de pintura mural Messa" (Albaida - Valencia).
2016: 1st Prize in "II Certamen de pintura mural Messa" (Albaida - Valencia).
- Exhibitions and Shows:
2002: (Col.) "Així ens veuen" in Foros21 (Valencia)
2005: (Col.) "Diarios", together with Jose Luis Cremades in Foros21 (Valencia).
2007: Mural intervention in the art festival "Efímer_2007" (Alginet - Valencia). (Catalogue).
2008: (Col.) "RETRATOONS" in the main Post Office (Valencia).
Mural intervention in the Urban Art Festival "Poliniza_08" Campus of the UPV (Valencia). (Catalogue).
2011: (Col.) "Carakollection" travelling exhibition started in the urban environment of Alcoi (Alicante). (Catalogue).
(Indv.) "Temporary Records" in Buykafé (Alcoy - Alicante). (Catalogue/Complementary Notes).
2014: (Col.) "Agorafília", Instalació realitzada junto l'artista Aurelio Ayela en la sala ÁGORA (Alcoy - Alicante). (Catalogue).
(Col.) IV Bienal d'Arts Plástiques "Art Nostre" (Itinerant exhibition in the regions of l'Alcoiá-Comtat i la Foia - Alicante). (Catalogue).
(Col.) XXV Biennial of Painting "Eusebio Sempere", in the Art Gallery of the Cultural Centre of Onil (Onil - Alicante). (Catalogue).
2015: (Col.) "I Posquin You" in Trentatres Gallery (Valencia). (Catalogue).
(Indv.) "Iconolingüística" in Goldsmith café & cinema (Alcoy - Alicante).
2016: Mural intervention at KRONA University (Kongsberg - Norway).
2017:(Col.) "Tribut a Joan Valls", Travelling exhibition in the "Centre Cultural Mario Silvestre" (Alcoy), "MUA" (Alicante), and "Octubre CCC" (Valencia). (Catalogue).
2018: "URBAN SKILLS 1" General coordination of the project, selected through participatory budgets of the city of (Alcoy - Alicante).
Curatorship together with the art historian J.Luís Antequera, of the exhibition "Alcoy, 40 years of street art" in ÁGORA hall (Alcoy - Alicante). (Catalogue).
2019: (Col.) "Art-Comportament" with M. Solbes Arjona in IVAM CADA ALCOI (Alcoi - Alicante).
URBAN SKILLS 2" General coordination of the project in its second edition (Alcoi- Alicante). (Catalogue).
Facebook: Kaniz Ysufauna
Instagram: vincent__c_v_d__spek / barsitosutopiclothes
Series KANIZ