Josep Sou

Josep Sou

Josep Sou was born in Alcoi in 1951. He studied philosophy and literature in Valencia and Salamanca. Doctor in Fine Arts from the Miguel Hernández University of Elche. Teacher of Urban Painting at the same university until 2013. Technical Director of the Antoni Miró Chair of Contemporary Art at the Universitat d'Alacant.
He has published, among others, the following books of poetry: L’estança. Camins en la pintura de Antoni Miró, València 1992; L’enigmàtic valor de la ics, Alicante 1993, Concert d’aigua, Alzira 1997, Ma non troppo, Barcelona 2006, Ivarca, Alicante 2008, Perbreviter, València 2011, Cantabile con fuoco, València 2015, Fills del sol i de la lluna, Navarrés 2016, Cantata, Málaga 2017, XXL, Málaga 2019, Fràgil, Málaga 2020. He has also published the essay: Bartolomé Ferrando. La fractura dels marges poètics, València 2008. His visual music work: Música contra el dolor I,II y III, was published on CD by Logisprimt in Alcoy in 2011. He published De fil de vint, Performances poètiques n.º 2, in Editorial Electrónica de la UMH, Elche 2013. Numerous catalogues and anthologies of experimental poetry include the author's exhibitions in this creative discipline.



Phone: 609850315

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Some exhibitions:


1996 - Josep Sou. Exhibition Hall of the Music Center of Bucaret. Romania. Josep Sou. George Apostu Exhibition Hall. Bacau. Romania
2000 - Josep Sou La mar Clàssica. Itinerant exhibition: Benidorm, Dénia Calp. CAM.
2001 - Josep Sou. Objectes Poètics . UIMP. Palau Pineda. Valencia.
           Josep Sou.  La Mar Clàssica. Toranto Gallery. Barcelona.
2003 - Josep Sou. La Mar Clàssica. Galileo Cultural Centre. Madrid
         - Josep Sou. La mirada còmplice. University of Valencia, Estudi
            General. València
2015 - La veu dels objectes. CCCO. València 2015
2016 - La veu dels objectes. KAKV. Villena 2016
         - Del cal-ligrama a l'objet trouvé. UA Alacant 2016
2019 - Atrezzo. Cultural Centre Alcoi. April-May 2019