Type of work: Experimental Short Film
Genres: Video-Art, Digital Art, Conceptual Art, Net Art and New Media
Runtime / Duration: 4 minutes 6 seconds
Year: 2012/2017/2018
Format / Technique: Full HD 1080p Video / Stereo / White, Black and Color
Aspect Ratio / Measurements: 16:9 (1920×1080 pxs)
Price: Consult the artist
Our world only produces waste, anxiety and noise. Today, waste is very abundant and defines our world, it is what we have closest to hand, that surrounds us and we must not forget that each culture has made art with what they had at hand. What we have more at hand is the waste, since our world is based on the manufacture of garbage. "
"In the carelessness of a second a whole catastrophe is contained." (The night of time, 2009. Antonio Muñoz Molina)
WARNING: The following video creation contains bright, flickering images that may cause discomfort and / or seizures in people with photosensitive epilepsy. The prudence and discretion of the spectator is recommended.
200.00 €
200.00 €