The artist Jorge Sellés at the FIC | Frente de Iniciativas Contemporáneas 2021

The visual artist Jorge Sellés is selected to project a work at the FIC 2021 / Frente de Iniciativas Contemporáneas, a multidisciplinary cultural event that was born with the intention of stirring up consciences and provoking reactions in the public to the art of his time that is carried out on the fringes of the usual circuits.

The FIC 2021 becomes a transgressive platform that seeks to show current art, today alien to commercial and institutional circuits, weaving an ever-growing network and reaching established and emerging creators outside the commercial circuits that otherwise could not meet. The fourth edition opens its activities to the whole of the province, multiplies the actions in the school community and aspires to become a network of encounter between artists of new creative formats.

The Front of Contemporary Initiatives programs a score of activities between November 25 and 28 in the cities of Villena and Alicante where photography, video art, audiovisual art, graffiti, dance, music or videomapping will converge.

Andrés Leal, one of the four curators of FIC 2021, describes this festival as “a front, a battle front that allows us to connect the creator, his work and the public in the same space, especially for artistic productions that today do not have space neither commercially nor institutional ”. Leal catalogs the FIC as “a meeting point also between artists from different disciplines from which to create a network of creators of our time that allows us to grow beyond the FIC and where we can work in this line with other municipalities or cities”.

Within the official program, it is worth highlighting the participation of established national and international artists such as David Delgado, Kribi Heral, Antonio Gázquez, Eduardo González, Zuzana Kralova, David Alonso, Juan Castañer, Las Canadienses, Cado Gisbert, Mélissa Faivre, Lorenzo Papanti, among others.

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