Jorge Sellés is selected and participates for the SHOOT4EARTH 2022 Festival in New York

Shoot4Earth Filmmarathon 2022 is an international video art festival conceived as a short marathon, a kind of audiovisual athletic challenge. A time trial race, as participants only had one day, 24 hours, to make their 1-minute creations for screenings across New York City. The main objective is to raise awareness about the changes that we all have to make daily in our consumption habits to preserve our planet Earth. The contest aims to echo the power of the experimental short film.

A crew can have only one or more members. The participating artists must show a short film of a maximum of one minute to raise awareness about what we can do to save our environment, a conscientious and committed way of being a little more energy efficient or how to take a little more care in our lives daily through artistic creativity.

The Shoot4Earth Filmmarathon Festival is part of the Global Short Film Awards Cannes 2021-2022 simultaneously having projection in several countries and continents. One Earth, one short film, one opportunity: a 24-hour world film marathon to aid environmental thinking. The opening ceremony and the announcement of the winners will take place, during the next week, at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Education and Regional Development of the University of Pécs in Szekszárd, Hungary.

Last weekend the audiovisual artist Jorge Sellés participated with an experimental and unpublished work of video art, being the only representative selected from Spain within the official international competition. Undoubtedly, the trajectory of Sellés in the international circuit of the world of audiovisual art is consolidated with new risky bets that reflect his commitment to raising awareness to preserve the environment. Art, closely related to human nature, must be a useful tool that stirs consciences in order to transform or educate a society. In addition, it is subjective, since it is expressed in a universal and understandable language for any human being that appeals to our senses, emotions and our ability to think, understand and comprehend.

The importance of the value of artistic manifestations is vital for the conservation and generational cultural transmission in the current digital age of indifference and individual selfishness.

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