Jorge Sellés at the International 100 SECOND Film Festival from Iran 2023
The 100 Seconds International Film and Animation Festival is an event for film and animation art professionals to use their brevity and artistic creativity to create a work with images based on ethics and understanding in various dimensions, formats and perspectives, with in order to represent the current world situation, making pieces of audiovisual art contained in just 100 seconds.
The 13th edition of this festival will take place from February 28 to March 3, 2023 in the city of Tehran (Iran); after a break of 4 years due to the political and social crisis.
The visual artist Jorge Sellés has been selected and will participate in the event, opting for the best experimental short film in the official international category.
An event committed to the international film, artistic and cultural sector, beyond ideologies, which joins efforts to consolidate national talent and give visibility: utopia as hope for transgenerational change and inclusion, from respect and recognition, for progress.
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"The artist appeals to our capacity for delight, for admiration; to our intuition of the mystery that surrounds life; to our sense of pity, beauty and pain; to the latent feeling of brotherhood with all creation, and to the subtle but invincible faith in solidarity that unites the loneliness of innumerable hearts, and closely binds all humanity."
"Heart of Darkness", Joseph Conrad (1899)