Jaume Cremades

Jaume Cremades

Jaume´s artwork is a plastic inquiry that questions our preconceived and conditioned perspective of reality. Exploring the most instinctive being through pictorial abstraction is the most recurrent theme of his creations.

Nature is not only the source of his inspiration but also the very origin of his artistic work. Through lines, he creates open structures that refer to the laws of nature, especially those related to vegetation structures and those that give rise to organic forms. 

He vindicates the use of lines´ as an element of creation with identity, a self-taught and self-made element, free of prejudices and stereotypes. This state is achieved through the continuous synthesis and juxtaposition of lines as the main element of his artwork. Drawing lines repeatedly while removing their context to leave behind their implicit connotation.

They are the symbol and evidence of the connection between all things.
In this technique, the line is constructed through the subtraction of the paint itself, forming an intuitive and spontaneous process that allows creativity and work to develop simultaneously.

The work materializes following the demands of the painting; creating more profound, conscious, and emotional lines. This new interpretation leads to a more essential and intuitive perception of things, causing drastic changes in our stereotyped experience of reality.


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Academic Studies:
Master in Artistic Production at the Facultat de Belles Arts de Sant Carles de València (2017). Graduate at the Facultat de Belles Arts de Sant Carles de València (2013- 2016).
- Finalist in the scholarship "llançadora" IVAM CADA Alcoy 2019 - 2020.
- He has won the Contemporary Art Scholarship by the Chair of Antoni Miró of the UA and the Banco Sabadell Foundation 2019 - 2020.
He has been selected in more than twenty competitions, some of them are:
- Acquisition Prize 2019 Cañada Blanch Collection 6th Edition.
- Honourable Mention XXI National Painting Prize Mainel Foundation 2019.
- VIII Premi Biennal de Pintura Torres García-Ciutat de Mataró 2019.
- VI Biennal d'Arts Plàstiques Art Nostre 2019.
- Manuel de Gracia National Painting Competition 2019.
- National Painting Prize Juan Francés Fira d'Agost de Xàtiva 2019.
- Honourable Mention in VIII International Painting Contest Ramón Portillo/ City of Motril    2019.
- XLIX Salón de Otoño Premio "Ateneo Mercantil de Valencia" 2018.
- XXVII Biennial of Painting Eusebi Sempere 2018.
- Honourable Mention XXI National Painting Prize Mainel Foundation 2018.
- 1st Mª Isabel Comenge Painting Biennial 2018.
- National Painting Prize Juan Francés Fira d'Agost de Xàtiva 2018.
- XLII National Painting Competition "Vila de Pego" 2018.
- Group exhibition Tempus Quietare collective of Galerías de València in the Centre   Cultural La Nau 2019.
- Group exhibition Ateneo Mercantil de Valencia (February 2019).
- Group exhibitions Vangar Gallery (December to March 2019).
- Group exhibition Galería 9 of Valencia. (November and December 2018).
- Group exhibition at the Mainel Foundation, (July 2019).
- Group exhibition at the Casa de Cultura de Xátiva (August and September 2019).
- Group exhibition at the Centre d'Exposicions Museu d'Art de Pego (June 2018).
- Solo exhibition at the "Centre Cultural Mario Silvestre d'Alcoi" (June and July 2018).
- Group exhibition in the "Llotja de Sant Jordi d'Alcoi" (February and March 2018).
- Group exhibition at the Centre Cultural La Nau de la Universitat de València (May and June 2018).
- Solo exhibition at the MUA (Museum of the University of Alicante).



email: jaume_125@hotmail.com
phone: 636890886 
Instagram: @jaumecremades
Series Jaume Cremades