Moros y Cristianos de Alcoy Magazine 2018

The "Associació de Sant Jodi"  are in charge of the organisation of the Moors and Christians Festivities in Alcoi. It publishes an annual magazine with historical research reports, literary articles and serves as a prelude to this festivity of International Tourist Interest.

The cover of the 2018 magazine was commissioned to the graphic designer Ignacio Doménech. The design communicates the order of the 28 filaes (comparsas) of the Moors and Christians of Alcoy from the last edition. Each one represented with a minimalist detail illustrative of each costume, giving importance to the identifying colour that makes it recognisable from the other festive groups. All the filaes of the two sides are together, as in a target, symbolising the union and coexistence of the two cultures, which in conclusion, is one of the values that identifies this festival. The title "AL-COI" predominates among all the informative part, separated and making an etymological reference to the probable Arabic origin of the city's name.

The front cover was a breakthrough change with respect to previous editions where artistic painting predominated, opting for an infographic with digital/vectorial illustration for the first time in the history of this publication.


More works by the artist Diseño editorial