Ignacio Doménech creates an innovative poster of the Virgin of the Lilies and at the same time faithful to his style

The young graphic designer from Alcoy Ignacio Doménech Payá has discovered the poster that he has made in commemoration of the acts of the patron saint of Alcoy, the Virgen de los Lirios.


Ignacio has made an innovative work but at the same time faithful to his style that is increasingly recognized throughout Spain. Not in vain a few years ago, for example, he won the contest for the poster for the San Fermín Festival in Pamplona, ​​to mention some of the national events that have had the images created by him as a flag.



The author himself has defined the work as minimalist, with absolute prominence of the color blue, the color of the Virgin of the Lilies, although in a stronger tone, and precisely the image of the Mare de Deu emerging from a lily, as in the miracle that is commemorated, as the central axis of the poster.


Ignacio recalled that this image was dedicated to his two grandmothers, very devoted to the patron saint of Alcoy, one of whom recently passed away.


In the discovery of the poster on the façade of the Town Hall, he has been accompanied by authorities and a large public as well as by the traditional sound of the dolçaina and the tabal. A small fireworks display has not been missing.


Along with him have been the president of the Arch-Confraternity of the Virgen de los Lirios, Maite Pinilla, and the mayor of Alcoy, Toni Francés. Francés has explained that they are working on carrying out the Romeria de la Font Rotja on September 19, but they are waiting to see how the situation of the pandemic and the guidelines of the Ministry of Health evolves.


Source: Cadena Ser Alcoi 

Link: https://cadenaser.com/emisora/2021/09/03/radio_alcoy/1630695674_990294.html