Ignacio Doménech

Ignacio Doménech

Ignacio Domenech
(Alcoi, 1988)
Designer, Art Director, Illustrator and Audiovisual Editor.



More info

- 2010
Higher Degree in Graphic Design. Own degree at EINA, Escola de Disseny i Art de Barcelona.

- 2016
Intermediate Degree in Cooking and Gastronomy at Karlos Arguiñano's AIALA Hotel and Catering School.

- 2018
Degree in Design. Official degree from EINA, Centre Universitari de Disseny i Art de Barcelona (UAB, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona).


- 2013
Winner of the poster competition for the 128th “Cavalcada de Reis Mags d’Alcoi” National Tourist Interest.

- 2014
Winner of the international competition for the poster announcing the Festes de San Fermín, organised by Pamplona City Council.

Outstanding projects
- 2010
Identitat per Comunicar es Ganar, communication consultancy for elite sportsmen and women.

- 2013
Identity for the 20th anniversary of the Botanical Garden of Barcelona.

- 2014
Art direction and campaign for the 125th anniversary of the Col-legi La Salle Bonanova in Barcelona.

- 2017
Design of the female costume of the “Filà Gusmans”, a group of the Festes de Moros i Cristians of Alcoi founded in 1905. Work carried out jointly with Mauro Gómez and Alejandro Jordá.

- 2017
Identitat per "The Txoko Experience: The Secret Culinary Space of the Basques". Documentary film about the basque cuisine projected in the U.S.A., international Iberian vols and presented at the Sant Sebastià Gastronomika International Congress and at the Culinary Institute of America in New York.

- 2018
Design of the cover of the magazine of the Festes de Moros i Cristians d'Alcoi, of International Tourist Interest. Work commissioned by the Sant Jordi Association.

- 2018
Cover design for the supplement of the newspaper El Nostre for the Festes de Moros i Cristians d'Alcoi.

- 2018
Cover design for the Revista Valencians, yearbook published by the Associació de Premsa Comarcal Valenciana.

- 2018
Cover design for COPE Alcoi's yearbook.

- 2019
Art direction and campaign design for the mayoral candidate Toni Francés (PSPV-PSOE), for the municipal elections of May in Alcoi.

- 2019
Cover design for the "Guia de Nadal Màgia" of Radio Alcoi Cadena SER.

- 2020
Identity for al Camí de Santiago per Manzanal, variant del Camí Francés pels Montes de León, entre Astorga i Ponferrada. Work commissioned by the Associació de Municipis del Camino de Santiago de Invierno.

- 2021
Design and Art Direction of the col·legis d'Espanya i Andorra de Globeducate, an international group of schools.


- 2010
Group exhibition "9 projectes a compte" at the Espai Cultural EINA Barra de Ferro in Barcelona. Exhibition with the 9 best final year projects of the 2006-2010 promotion at EINA, Centre Universitari de Disseny i Art de Barcelona (UAB).

- 2014
Group exhibition "Concurs Internacional de Cartells de San Fermín 2014", in the Sala Conde Rodezno of the Pamplona City Council. Exhibition of the winning work together with 103 posters selected by the jury from the 546 submitted in that year's edition.

- 2017
Group exhibition and art auction "Artistes Alcoians solidaris" at the Sala Àgora in Alcoi, organised by the Samarita Cultural Association for the benefit of the Alzheimer's Association and Llar de San José.

- 2018
Group exhibition "Tonalitats" on the occasion of the 175th anniversary of the Societat Musical Nova d'Alcoi. Collection of pictorial palettes in the Sala Fernando Cabrera of the Museu Alcoià de la Festa (MAF).


Email: ignaciodomenechp@gmail.com
Instagram: @ignaciodomenech
LinkedIn: @ignaciodomenechp

Series Ignacio Doménech