Ferrán Gisbert Carbonell
Ferrán Gisbert graduated in Fine Arts at the Universidad Politècnica de València in 2006.
The previous year, 2005, he received an Erasmus scholarship and attended the ENSBA Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Artes, in París.
He was also the recipient of the Leonardo scholarship in 2009 and has been awarded several visual arts prizes.
In 2017, he completed a Master's Degree in Cultural Management from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.
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Among his most recent works are the interventions at the Cultural Centre of Spain in Lima with the work "Junto a ti". The participation in The Ryder Projects, London, on the occasion of the exhibition Saturation. Spanish new painting in three acts curated by Spanish Contemporary Art Ne-twork (SCAN) where he exhibited Tan alt com el teu; the Galería Aural, Alacant, with the solo exhibition Temple, el procés com a forma; or the Galería Luís Adelantado, Valencia, where he exhibited the work Colando tu donde yo as selected in the Call 2014.
He has also presented projects in public spaces such as Oasi for the city of Alacant, Punny i lletra as part of the Pol-linitza 2014 festival at the Universitat Politècnica de València and Al costat de tu on the occasion of the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Cultural Centre of Spain in Lima.
email: ferrangisbertcarbonell@gmail.com
phone: 660406092
Series Ferrán Gisbert Carbonell