Elima Cardenal

Elima Cardenal

Born in Alcoi (Alicante). From a young age, she starts her learning journey in the arts. She learns about aesthetics, and how to reflect and express her views and imagination.

For two consecutive years, she received an honorable mention in artistic drawing. She also received a scholarship to study color and oil painting techniques taught by professor Mrs. Vicenta Mut de Escrivá.

A few years later, Elima attended classes in life drawing in charcoal and sanguine technique at the School of Fine Arts in Alcoi taught by Master Mr. Ramón Castañer. Complementing her studies, she learned oil painting techniques applied to life drawing and human figures. She obtained the title of interior designer and participated in several courses and workshops to complete her training. 

She applies different techniques in her work: drawing, experimental painting, contemporary art, engraving, walnut color stain and dyes, watercolor, cold ceramics, cloisonne, mosaic, pastel color technique, transfer style, and others.

She was the general manager at Impact Gallery in Alicante for two years. She has designed book covers, and created designs for the “Fiestas de Moros y Cristianos de Alcoi” (officially Declared Site of Cultural Interest).

Light and color are reflected in her work. Her great friendship with Rodovi and Mila Gomis has encouraged her to continue her artistic career and inspired her passion for the arts. 

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Classified and awarded in several painting contests, such as the first painting contest "Vila Marco" of the Ajuntament del Campello, where she obtained the "Premi especial de pintura a l'oli" (special prize for oil painting).
Among her selected works, the following stand out:
IV and V competition "CIUTAT DE DÉNIA", Diputació d'Alacant, Àmbit cultural de "El Tall Engonals", Sala d'exposicions de "la Llotja Del Peix" d'Alacant, Museu Fernando Soria, Centre municipal de les Arts, Liceu Casino.
Her works have been published in the book "Parlen els Poetes" by EDA (Associació Espill d'Alacant), in its last six editions.
She has participated in more than 150 group exhibitions in Alcoi, Dénia, El Campello, Elda, Albacete, Alacant, Novelda, Orihuela, La Romana, Múrcia, Rojales, Calp, Benidorm, Girona, Valencia, etc.  Her works have been exhibited and have arrived in Campello (Municipal Library), Alacant, "Impact" Gallery, Sala Minerva, Cafeteria Emma, Sala Diario Informació, Cafeteria Evolution, Café Espanyol de les Arts, Casino Mediterrani, Centre Imaginalia, Poble Penya-segat del Campello Benimarfull, Sala d'Art de la AAA and in Monovar presenting her latest work on the Cosmos, a work of art researched, written and captured in paintings by the author. She has had around fifteen solo exhibitions. Artist invited in 2019 in "ART Al CARRER" in Sant Vicent del Raspeig Exhibitions: Sala "Vip", de l'Aeroport d'Alacant i en el de Mallorca.
Her work can be found in numerous private collections both in Spain and abroad. Places such as: Canary Islands, France, Germany, Alcoi, l'Alqueria d'Asnar, Alacant, El Campello and Argentina. She is a member of the Associació d'Artistes Alacantins and the Associació Espill d'Alacant.
Classified and awarded in several painting contests such as the one she participated in October 2006, in the first painting contest of "Villa Marco" of the Town Hall of El Campello, where she obtained the "Special prize of oil painting".  She currently has her studio in Sant Joan and Alcoi, and teaches at the Associació de Majors del Campello. 
Series Elima Cardenal