Elena Reig
Elena was passionate about drawing since she was a young child; however, she stopped as soon as she grew up. Her formal education took her in another direction: technical architecture and the charm of decaying buildings.
She missed drawing, so she decided venturing into illustration and graphic design with great enthusiasm and curiosity. However, her “technical” mind and talent were not put aside, and she became a drawing teacher.
Today she is an illustrator, a math teacher, and the co-director of a creative space in Alcoy called em[bolic]studio.
But above all, above all... she draws to scare monsters!
WEBSITE: elenareig.com
SOCIAL MEDIA: @elena.reig (instagram)
CONTACT: er@elenareig.comAño: 2020
Of buits i interferències. 2018.
Centre d'Art Contemporani (El Corte Inglés, València).
Organised by: CDAVC, University of Valencia, San Carlos Academy of Fine Arts of Valencia.
Groups. 2015 - 2019.
Paraules pintades (Alicante).
I pòsquin you (Valencia).
Reading and creating visual stories. 2018 - 2019.
Impartit with Matilde Portalés. CEFIRE (Valencia).
Dibuixar el sò. An experimental and reflexive perspective. 2017.
IES Pare Vitòria (Alcoi).
Introduction to manual printing. 2016.
CoDisseny Coworking (Alcoi).
Public sector
Muro de l'Alcoi Town Council. Cullera Town Council.
University of Valencia.
Private sector
Editorial Reclam.
Creixendo. Panda creatiu. BarbaBlava.
Association of Commerce and Services of Muro.
Private clients.