Caro Guarinos
If we think about art, one can ponder if artistic talent is something you are born with or can be acquired. The artist is born, but the environment in which he is born and lives define his art experience and shape his training. It is the case of Caro Guarinos.
Caro has inherited the artistic spirit from her family. She grew up surrounded by art; her paternal grandfather was already a painter and caricaturist very appreciated by the people of Alcoi. Her father, a great wood craftsman and innovator in creating new forms of exceptional quality, personality influenced Caro´s art directly.
Her pastel painting reaches for perfection. The quality of her drawing in unison with the exquisite sensitivity and mastery of mixing unique colors became her most successful strength and talent.
The first thing to note about Caro´s artwork is her talent for mastering the human anatomy, present in the most challenging aspects of her painting. She was born with a natural talent for portraits, and such attribute is embodied in her work, creating artwork of exceptional aliveness.
There is much to say about a young artist whose works of art are expanding figuratively and literally.
email: caroguarinos@gmail.com
phone: 636197863
Facebook and IG: caroguarinos
- 2017 Selected as a finalist in the 2017 International Artist Grand Prize Competition, organised by ATP Art Revolution Taipei, in Taiwan.
- 2017 Selected to participate in the IV INTERNATIONAL BIENNIAL ASPAS 2018 in Oviedo.
- 2017 Selected as a finalist in the 2018 International Artist Grand Prize Competition, organised by ATP Art Revolution Taipei, Taiwan.
- 2019 Selected as an artist of Marca Arte España. https://www.marcaarteespana.es/
- 2019 Selected for "IV Salón de primavera de pintura realista" Centro Cultural Sanchinarro ( Madrid )
- 1984 Exhibition of portraits in Galeria San Jordi ( Alcoi)
- 1986 Exhibition of portraits in Galeria San Jordi ( Alcoi)
- 2008 Exhibition at Art-té Gallery ( Alcoi)
- 2009 Exhibition hall of UNESCO ( Alcoi )
- 2009 Exhibition at the Restaurant "Taberna Charra" (Villena)
- 2012 Exhibition Restaurant "Santa Rita Rita" ( Alcoi)
- 2012 Exhibition Pub "Bad Voodoo" ( Alcoi)
- 2012 Exhibition in Circulo Industrial (Alcoi)
- 2014 Exhibition "Anhels de mar" in Casino Mediterráneo (Orihuela-costa)
- 2014 Exhibition in Restaurant "Catoni" (Altea la Vella)
- 2014 Exhibition "Fantasies" in Galería D'art Alzamora (Alcoi)
- 2015 Exhibition "Prop de la Mar" Exhibition Hall "El teler" (Onteniente)
- 2017 Exhibition "Ahir, hui i sempre" Paurides Foundation in Elda ( Alicante)
- 2019 Exhibition "Ambito Cultural del Corte Inglés Ciudad de Elche" ( Alicante)
- 1983 Selective exhibition of painting at the Galeria D'Art Sella ( Alcoi)
- 2007 Group exhibition Galeria Echaniz ( Alicante)
- 2008 Group exhibition Galeria "La Nomada" ( Alcoi )
- 2008 Exhibition "col.lecció Artinacción-Alcoi" (Alcoi)
- 2008 Participation in "Invencions Sobtades" Llotja de Sant Jordi ( Alcoi)
- 2013 Exhibition "60 Artistes Alacantins- Saló de tardor 2013" (Alicante)
- 2013 Group exhibition XIII Mostra Art d'Ací 2013 ( Muro de Alcoi)
- 2013 Group exhibition I Salón Nacional de Arte "Muz Martínez" 2013 (San Vicente del Raspeig)
- 2013 Participation in the II International Biennial of pastel painting (Oviedo)
- 2013 Group exhibition in the Gallery Javier Román "RESGUARDAR-TE" ( Malaga)
- 2013 Group exhibition Art-Home, Sala RRM (Madrid)
- 2013 Participation in the I International Exhibition of Postal Art, Faculty of Fine Arts (Granada, Spain)
- 2014 Group exhibition "L’autoretrat" in Artistas Alicantinos (Alicante)
- 2014 Group exhibition "Creant Junts 2014", at the Fish Market (Alicante)
- 2014 Group exhibition "Llum i color" VII Convocatoria de Artes Plásticas ( El campello)
- 2014 Group exhibition "la figura" in Artistas Alicantinos (Alicante )
- 2014 Group exhibition "31 incrèduls" Art-Home, Sala RRM ( Madrid )
- 2014 Group exhibition "450 anys caminant" Palacio provincial de la Diputación ( Alicante )
- 2015 Group exhibition Grupdart. cat " Les dones fan art" Sala Eix Comercial del Raval ( Barcelona )
- 2015 Group exhibition Voggart in the Municipal Auditorium of Bigastro ( Bigastro )
- 2015 Group exhibition " 60 Alicantinos Artists- Saló de Primavera" ( Alicante)
- 2015 Group exhibition " agermanament Museu Fernando Soria” Alicantinos Artists Association" ( San Juan)
- 2015 Group exhibition "creant junts 2015" creant junts 2015 (Alicante)
- 2015 Group exhibition In espai gastronomic Terranova. Palau- Sabardera ( Figueres )
- 2015 Group exhibition " Alimenta't de la cultura" I Jornada de Industrias Culturales. Museum of the University of Alicante (San Vicente del Raspeig).
- 2015 Exhibition "Selecció d'artistes" Grup d'art Escolà in TerraFerma Art Gallery (Lleida)
- 2015 Exhibition "Xicotet format" Grup d'art Escolà in Arimany Art Gallery (Tarragona)
- 2016 Exhibition " Selecció d'artistes" Grup d'art Escolà in Arimany art gallery (Tarragona)
- 2016 Exhibition " Selecció d'artistes" Grup d'art Escolà at Galeria d'art Mar ( Barcelona)
- 2016 Exhibition "Art en plural" Grup d'art Escolà in Terra Ferma Art Gallery (Lleida)
- 2016 Group exhibition "Meeting of realist painters and sculptors". Palace of Don Pedro I. Torrijos (Toledo)
- 2016 Exhibition "Art en plural" Grup d'art Escolà in Galeria d'art Mar ( Barcelona )
- 2016 Exhibition " petit format" Grup d'art Escolà at Galeria d'art Mar ( Barcelona )
- 2016 Exhibition "petit format" Grup d'art Escolà in Terraferma Art Gallery ( Lleida )
- 2017 "Preview on Finalists of 2017 International Artist Grand Prize Competition" at Get Art Museum- Taipei (Taiwan)
- 2017 Exhibition "Art en plural" Grup d'art Escolà in Galería D'art Arimany (Tarragona)
- 2017 Participation in the art fair "ART REVOLUTION TAIPEI 2017" Taipei ( Taiwan)
- 2017 II International Exhibition of Pastel Painting (Manacor)
- 2017 Group exhibition end of season in Grup d'art Escolà, Galeria Mar ( Barcelona)
- 2017 'Art al carrer'. Exhibition in the exhibition hall of the Mutua Levante Foundation (Alcoi).
- 2017 Exhibition at the X-Power Gallery Taipei ( Taiwan)
- 2018 Group exhibition VIII Meeting of Realist Painters and Sculptors in the Santana Art Gallery (Madrid)
- 2018 Exhibition "TONALITATS" 175é aniversari de la Música Nova d'Alcoi in El Museu Alcoià de la Festa ( Alcoi )
- 2018 Exhibition 1 Mostra d'Art Social Unesco, to celebrate its 50th anniversary, Sala UNESCO ( Alcoi)
- 2018 Participation in the IV International Biennial of Pastel in Spain (Oviedo)
- 2018 Group exhibition IX Meeting of Realist Painters and Sculptors in Isabel Farnesio Cultural Centre, Aranjuez (Madrid)
- 2018 Participation in the art fair " Art Revolution Taipei 台北新????術博覽會2018" Taipei ( Taiwan )
- 2018 Group exhibition "EUROARTES" La Celestina Museum ( Toledo )
- 2018 "EXPOSICIÓ ART EN PLURAL GRUP BLAU" Group exhibition in Grup d'art Escolà in Galeria d'art Mar (Barcelona )
- 2018 Group exhibition "EUROARTES", in the AUDITORIO CIUDAD DE LEÓN ( León)
- 2018 Group exhibition "El meu món interior”", of the group Spain Art One13, in Museum of Fuente Àlber. Fuente Àlber (Murcia).
- 2018 "EXPOSICIÓ ART EN PLURAL GRUP BLAU" Group exhibition in Grup d'art Escolà in Arimany Gallery (Tarragona ).
- 2018 Group exhibition "El meu món interior", by the group Spain Art One13, in Fundación Pedro Cano (Blanca, Murcia).
- 2018 Exhibition "Xicotet format" in Grup d'art Escolà (Catalunya)
- 2019 Group exhibition XII Encuentro de "Art sense Fronteres" in Palacio de Don Pedro I. Torrijos ( Toledo)
- 2019 "EXPOSICIÓ ART EN PLURAL GRUP BLAU" Group exhibition in Grup d'art Escolà in Terraferma Art Gallery (Lleida)
- 2019 Group exhibition of the group "EUROARTES" in the Plaza de Abastos (Plasencia, Spain)
- 2019 Group exhibition MAE (Marca España Arte), "Homenatge a Rússia" at the Russian Centre of Science and Culture (Madrid)
- 2019 Exhibition "COL.LECTIVA FI DE TEMPORADA" in Galería D'Art Mar ( Barcelona)
- 2020 Participation in the V International Biennial of painting in Pastel in Spain (Oviedo)
- 2020 Exhibition 2nd Exhibition WAITING FOR SPRING Alzira ( Valencia)