Carlos Merchán

Carlos Merchán

Carlos Merchán was born in Salamanca, 1962. He is a writer and painter.

He is licensed in Fine Arts by the University of Salamanca. Currently,  Carlos teaches painting and drawing at the Aulas de la Tercera Edad de Alcoy and the Escuela Municipal de Bellas Artes de Alcoy.

He is also a columnist and illustrator for the newspapers “Ciudad de Alcoy”, “Información de Alicante” and “El Nostre de Alcoy”.

He has had several solo and collective exhibits in Salamanca, Alicante, Valencia, A Coruña, Onteniente, and Alcoy among other cities in Spain.



Phone: 615 07 16 21

Social networks:

Fb: Carlos Merchán Martín / Ig: carlosmerchanmartin

Series Carlos Merchán