Azaila Jordá

Azaila Jordá

Azaila Jordá Giménez attended the Universidad Politécnica de Alicante, graduating in 2010 with a major in architecture.


In 2011, she collaborated with the Barbarela Studio in Alicante, an architecture and landscape firm. During that year, she also wrote for the design blog

In 2012, she moved to Lyon after being awarded a Leonardo Da Vinci scholarship and worked for the architecture firm Gautier+Conquet.

It was from that moment that her professional career as an architect launched. Between Lyon and Lille, she worked with different architecture firms: Chabanne, Mesaworkshop, Tank Architects, VS-A Ingenieurs, and XXA Architects.


After five years in France, she moved back to Alicante, where she collaborates with companies such as El Taller de Piñero or Crystalzoo. She also develops architecture and design projects from her studio.

Currently, she combines her professional work as an architect and interior designer with her passion for art. Art is the perfect laboratory for experimenting with shapes and playing with colors.

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Her projects include.

2020_ Series of collage portraits
2020_ Series of portraits without a face
2019_ New building linked to the 'Casa de la música'. Exma.Diputació provincial d'Alacant & Exmo. Ajuntament de Planes. Drafting of the Execution Project. Project currently under construction.
2019_ Maintenance and conservation of the changing rooms of the Municipal Swimming Pool of Planes. Exmo. Ajuntament de Planes.  Project completed
2018_ Scenography for the event FOCUS 2018 held at the ADDA in Alacant. Finished.
2018_ Ephemeral interior design for the presentation event of "Gasterra" Master of Gatronomy of the Universitat d'Alacant, in Balearia (Dénia). Finished
2015_ Exhibition PFC 2002-2015. 13 years of Final Projects of Architecture in Alacant. Centre Cultural les Cigarreras in Alacant.


Telephone: 34 676722758


Series Azaila Jordá